Monday, September 10, 2012


so.. what is it like to be working for wardrobe?
u've heard of stylist before? so it quite similar if u r thinking of working with one.
my first day :: the scarf and the brick batch!

its been 4 months since i worked with LEGOLAND Malaysia, in the wardrobe dept.
when i first signed for the job, i really don't know what to expect.
i dont even know what they do at the first place :D.
but if u ever worked with hotels, parks, and anything involving staff uniforms,
then u'll know what im talking about.

how cool is the name tag?

lucky for me, i started everything from scratch,
which means i learn more in details, and help to built the dept.
its was 'huru hara' at some point, drama (of course!) and funny moments =w=/

for some, we are the 'bibik' of the parks..
some thinks, we are 'dicipline teacher' of the parks,
some thinks we are 'the grocery store' of the parks where they asked EVERYTHING..gah..
some thinks we are the 'punching bag' of their ever feeling bad/good day.
but by the end of the day, we get to know everybody and they get to know us.

all ze 'bibiks' in the laundry area

ATTENTION: there are hard works goes behind your every uniforms! appreciate it while you can!

*Many thanks to sweet F&B staff who always drop something n feeding us everyday for the late shift.. ur pizza, pau, apple crumble and pastries are awesome! im still waiting for ze cakes!! :D

free stuff :: test run at PIZZA MANIA restaurant~ we ate like..P..engguin.. thee

So people out there; what u can find in wardrobe?

1. dirty clothes! count them, send for clean, sometimes u wash n dry.
2. freshly 'baked' uniforms - prepare them, give it to the workers every morning of ur life and work ur ass off passing it out the was the most fun activity of the day XD
3. altered, repair, tagged, count, sorts - all day long
4. u got to see how costume character looks like.. how they wear it..n u got the chance to experiment in repairing
5. a whole lot of paper works!
BUDDY the cute lego figure and OLLIE THE DRAGON the cute nenesor .. :)

me minifigures..they r so cute until u realize they dried out ur wallet!! but they r sooo cute!

we also got to do rounds to checked all staff's uniforms.. "yaa~ y u no wear this~ aye? aye?"... keke..

no matter how f***ed up things happened for the day, u'll get refreshed once  u get into the parks. happy people, happy kids, happy LEGO figures!

happy Haiqal at Duplo~ ;).. he got the chance to hv a first look at LEGOLAND parks before its official opening on the 15th September!!

check out LEGOLAND yo! hehe.. next time..maybe we can talk about FOOD!! or or..RIDES!! or or.. FISH!..whatever that came

when things doesn't go right~ GO LEFT!! =u=...